👍Brides Maids Chosen, invitations and all accepted from the girls ( but waiting for my daughter Kristen (26), and my son Blake (23) to accept their invitations to be included in the bridal party): My Fiacee FLORIAN, has 4 boys to choose from and I hope he puts both his brothers in and 2 close friends, as one space has been reserved for my No.1, Blake; ALL THEIR EXPENSES PAID.
👍Colours and theme finalised with a stylist from Australia, who will be attending the Wedding...
👍Everyone wants to know if Celine Dion, is going to sing the song selected for the Bridal Walt's, which is one of hers... I haven't heard back from Melbourne yet but when I do, if we've managed it, I will keep it a surprise for FLORIAN, as it's intended to be our Wedding Gift from my verg best friend (of 25 years) in Australia, who is now in the media industry and deals with a lot of international agents. After the Wedding, the details will be made available on both my website and Youtube Channel (found by searing the title: 'olivebohxparis@gmail.com').
👍Celine Dion, our very special guest (upon her attendance), will be kindly asked to autograph all the Bon Bon's for everyone on the guest list; and a special one will be made for her that will include a signed copy of my autobiography titled, 'Betrayed Not Beaten' to be published next year, in time for our Wedding; the first published copy is her's.
...the guest list is in the making as we speak and the best is yet to come.r.