It's important to note that “THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO SOCIAL WORKERS AND/OR ASSOCIATONS INVOLVED...”; this is an independent initiative born of need FOR NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION.
Stage ONE
Testing Electricity
...the sheet of perspect, see below
Above; In the early hours of this morning, as I was pulling The Portable Workstation back to the First District of Paris, 75001 (it was approximately 5:45 am), to search for electricity (back from the American Embassy where I sometimes sleep in the presence of the military police) the sheet of perspect that I tied to the back end, fell off its mount onto the road and broke at one side – the shape of a half moon with no sharp edges.
I was initially annoyed because I thought I tied it on well but when I picked it up off the floor and had a closer look, I laughed out loud because it was sooo perfect and ironic how just yesterday I wrecking my brain trying to figure how I was going to cut it with no tools, to let the extension chord through... throughout the entire construction, all I had to use was broken scissors, an old screwdriver and a small serrated edge bread knife and I somehow had to find a way to shape this sheet of perspect.
“'s lessons are rooted in everything since effects have their cause”; what may seem like a hopeless situation in life, may very well end up a blessing in disguise, for God makes NO MISTAKES!
It seems the heavens heard my private enquiry and in a typically invisible fashion, answered it.
Not finished yet
The 4 tools used